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Kua Fu has the Really Stupid Idea to Chase the Sun

Once upon a time, there was a giant named Kua Fu who popped out of absolutely nowhere and thought he was sooooo awesome (he was also real nice). One day, to make sure his people were no longer cold and to bring them warmth (kinda like Prometheus), he decided to chase the sun (smart, right?). As he ran and ran with his super big strides (he is a giant after all) he got more tired and tired (After all, he was really close to the sun at that time). Very soon Kua Fu was suuuuupeeer thirsty. so he drank up a river. He ran a bit more, then he drank up a lake, then the sea (I'm surprised he didn't die of dehydration from that) he was still thirsty and drank the Chang Jiang and Huang He. Finally, when he got to his village and ran halfway across the world, he lay down to rest and died of exhaustion and heartburn. His wooden staff that he always carried around (when I say always I mean A.L.W.A.Y.S.) became a bijillion peach trees (FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD) to quench our thirst so we don't have to die a grisly death like him  and he became a mountain range (Was he that fat?). In the end he overestimated and overexerted himself. For the sake of his people.

                                                The End


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