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Nv Wa Fixes Up The Broken Sky

After Nv Wa created us, the water god and fire god got into a huge hissy fight. They fought from the sky to the ground, but the fire god won. The water god was such a sore loser that he hit his head on the mountain that kept the earth and sky apart. The mountain crumbled into itty bitty pieces and a chunk of the sky fell out. There was fire raging everywhere and flood water rushing out of the broken sky. Around this time, we were pretty miserable (as we should be) so Nv Wa decided that she should fix things up for her darling little creatures. She took super bright and colorful stones (I'm surprised she can find stones that aren't brown) and patched up the sky. Yay! Then she realized she needed something to keep the sky up, otherwise the same thing would happen. Wow. so she took a giant tortoise that somehow existed and plopped it down to hold up the sky. It worked! Somehow.

                                                The End


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